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access rights Tag

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Rules exist for a reason and when it comes to Service Dogs and Service Dog law, too many people have come to view them more as “guidelines.” Whether it’s someone who wishes they could take their dog everywhere or someone who has chosen to break the law by presenting their pet as a fake Service Dog, both actions cause damage and harm to the Service Dog and disabled community.

In the heat of the moment or when you need clear, concise information the most, it can be difficult to remember the most important details, especially with a topic as full of "legalese" as federal Service Dog law. Keep this handy Service Dog Law Hand-out readily available for those times when you need it the most.

Most working and Service Dog handlers and trainers understand that United States federal law provides protection and access for Service Dogs. Still, it can be challenging to truly grasp all of it. Use this handy guide to wade through the legal jargon.